Monday, January 09, 2006

Greetings from Nerd Heaven

A little background first:

The "Winter-festival-that-shall-not be named" was not looking to be kind to me this year.

While all around me were eagerly opening their presents that fateful morn, I was left with naught but two suspiciously book-shaped parcels, which as suspected, turned out to be just that.
The last two "Harry Potter" books, to be precise, and I'm firmly of the belief that I only got those because my wife wanted to read them.

However, things took a definite upturn on opening my card from said wife. In it were written the words that make any tech-geek's heart flutter:

"We're going out to buy you a new PC tomorrow".

So it was that I came to be proudly back at the the cutting edge of technology, or at least within spitting distance. The real icing on the cake, though, is my new monitor.

A 19" glass-fronted TFT. I'm officially in love with my monitor. It makes me smile every time I walk in the room. Playing DVD's on it is like being at the cinema.

Like I said, nerd heaven. You may all now proceed to hate me.


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